("Unknown") returned 16 hits

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Author: Unknown
The Antikythera Mechanism is a unique Greek geared device, constructed around the end of the second century bc. It is known that it calculated and displayed celestial information, particularly cycles such as the phases of the moon and a luni-solar calendar.
Category: Technology
Author: Unknown
Invention of parchment. Parchment was superior to papyrus because it could be printed on both sides and folded.
Category: Technology
Author: Unknown
The first route map ("carte routière''), showing the whole of the Roman world, a map from Vienna, through Italy, to Carthage; painted on parchment, 34 cm. high, by 7 m. in length. (Named the table of Peutinger, after a 16th century German collector.)
Category: Cartography
Author: Unknown
Earliest known attempt to show changing values graphically (positions of the sun, moon, and planets throughout the year)
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Unknown
Tables of empirical data, published tables of numbers begin to appear. "Die Tabellen-Statistik,'' as a branch of statistics devoted to the numerical description of facts
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Authors: Rogerius Josephus Boscovich (1711-1787) & Johanes Tobias Mayer (1723-1762)
Beginnings of the estimation of $m$ unknown quantities from $n$ emipirical equations (where $n > m$), taking account of the possibility of errors in the observations (later supplanted by the method of least squares)
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Unknown
Invention of lithographic technique for printing of maps and diagrams ("At the time the effect of lithography ... was as great as has been the introduction [of the Xerox machine]'' cite[p. 57]{Robinson:1982}) (published in several translations, 1818--19)
Category: Technology
Author: Unknown
Statistical graphics used in a lawsuit. (Reported by Ernst Engel at the 7th meetings of the International Statistical Congress, 1869, The Hague
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Unknown
Discussion of standardization and classification of graphical methods at the Third International Statistical Congress
Category: Other
Author: Unknown
Exhibition display of graphs and cartograms. Third International Statistical Congress
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Unknown
Congressional appropriation for graphical treatment of statistics
Category: Other
Author: Unknown
Patent issued on logarithmic paper (reported to the British Association for the Advancement of Science, in 1898). Also called "semi-log,'' "arith-log'' paper and "ratio charts''
Category: Technology
Author: Unknown
Statistical diagrams begin to appear regularly in USA textbooks (graphs of temperature, population in texts of arithmetic, algebra)
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Unknown
Standard statistical symbols (Neurath's Isotype method) established by government decree (for schools, public posters, etc.)
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Unknown
Lapse of interest in statistical graphics, as concern with formal, "precise'', and numerical methods gained ascendancy (the modern "dark ages'' of statistical graphics)cite{FriendlyDenis:2001:valois}.
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Unknown
The oldest known map? (There are several claimants for this honor.)
Category: Cartography