Related Resources
There are many other useful collections of historical information related to the milestones detailed here. We list below a few of the more useful ones encountered so far.History of Science
- Major Scientific & Medical Discoveries, Inventions & Events 1650-1800: A simple, but useful timeline.
- Eighteenth-Century Resources - Science and Mathematics: part of a larger collection of Eighteenth-Century history resources.
- Media history timeline pages: an illustrated chronology of media developments, with links to related timelines.
- Science timeline: A detailed listing of important developments in the history of science, mathematics, and philosophy of science from the dawn of civilization, by David Lee.
- An Historical Timeline of Computer Graphics and Animation
- Timeline of knowledge representation: From a slightly quirky artificial intelligence perspective, the site lists hundreds of developments across many fields.
- GEsource thematic timeline of maps Part of a hub of internet resources related to geography and environmental studies.
- intute: Timelines of science, engineering and technology A large collection of timelines of notable events from prehistoric times to the present, broken down into separate subject areas and themes.
History of Cartography
- Henry Davis: Cartographic Images Home Page: Time charts of cartography, with a large collection of map images and descriptions, from ancient to late 19th century.
- The History of Cartography: An on-going project at the University of Wisconsin, producing a six-volume set, covering prehistoric and ancient cartography, through the 20th century.
- Historical Map Web Sites: A large list of links to historical maps on the web.
- Web Articles on the History of Cartography: Early maps, and the resources and activities associated with them, form the subject of over 100 "pages" on this site. All the worthwhile information about old maps can be found here, directly or indirectly.
- Map History / History of Cartography: All the worthwhile information about early, old, antique and antiquarian maps can be found here, or from here. The 100 pages of this site offer comment and guidance, and many, many links - selected for relevance and quality. Maintained by Tony Campbell, Map Librarian (retired), British Library, London.
- History and Milestones of GIS: A detailed timeline of history of maps and developments in GIS, from pre-200 AD to present.
- GiS TiMELINE, from the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis: An interactive, visual overview of key historical events in the development and growth of Geographical Information Systems from their conception in the 1960's to the present day.
- Places and Spaces, an exhibit on "cartography of the physical and abstract," uses illustrations of cartographic maps, concept maps and domain maps to explain how aspects of visual perception, data analysis, spatial layout and other aspects combine to create a visualization of spatially-referenced information.
History of Probability and Statistics
- The History of Mathematicians Archive: A large collection of biographical sketches of mathematicians and statisticians, with alphabetical and chronological indexes, and quite a few portraits.
- Materials for the history of statistics, University of York: A collection of portraits, biographies, original works, and images.
- UCLA History of Statistics pages: A collection of original articles and images from the history of statistics.
- History of Statistics Timeline: Dan Denis' collation of significant events in the history of statistics.
- Figures from the History of Probability and Statistics A chronological listing from 1650-present, with portraits and many links.
Information visualization
- Our Gallery of Data Visualization has a section on Historical Milestones, as well as many examples of the best and worst of statistical graphics.
- Keith Andrews' Information Visualization lecture notes provide many examples of recent advances in this field.
- The Numerical Aerospace Simulation maintains the comprehensive Annotated scientific visualization web site bibliography.
- is an eclectic, bilingual (English, Spanish) web site on Information Visualization with a weekly newsletter by Juan C. Dürstfeler from UPF in Barcelona.
- Les fonds anciens de la bibliothèque de l'Ecole des mines de Paris has mounted a lovely exposition, Les graphiques scientifiques: prolégomènes à leur usage et à leur histoire of some of the history and usage of scientific graphics, under the direction of M. Henri Vérine. Several images linked here appear through the courtesy of Marie-Noelle Maisonneuve.