(Henry) (Pickering) (Bowditch) returned 7 hits

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Author: Abraham Cresques (1325-1387)
Catalan Atlas, an exquisitely beautiful visual cosmography, perpetual calendar, and thematic representation of the known world
Category: Cartography
Author: Henry Drury Harness (1804-1883)
First published flow maps, showing transportation by means of shaded lines, widths proportional to amount (passengers)
Category: Cartography
Author: Henry Pickering Bowditch (1840-1911)
Extensive statistical study of 24,500 children to improve school practice; early ideas of correlation and regression by quoting the "measure of stoutness'', the ratio of annual increase in pounds weight to annual increase in inches height. Includes six charts, showing curvilinear regresions.
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Authors: Ejnar Hertzsprung (1873-1967) & Henry Norris Russell (1877-1957)
The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, a log-log plot of luminosity as a function of temperature for stars, used to explain the changes as a star evolves. It provided an entirely new way to look at stars, and laid the groundwork for modern stellar physics and evolution, developed independently by
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Henry Gwyn Jeffreys Moseley (1887-1915)
Discovery of the concept of atomic number, based largely on graphical analysis (a plot of serial numbers of the elements vs. square root of frequencies from X-ray spectra) The linear relations showed that the periodic table was explained by atomic number rather than, as had been supposed, atomic weight, and predicted the existence of several yet-undiscovered elements
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Henry Laurence Gantt (1861-1919)
Gantt chart, designed to show scheduled and actual progress of projects
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Henry C. Beck (1902-1974)
Re-design of the routes of the London underground rail system to favor usability
Category: Cartography