(Edward) (Tufte) returned 5 hits

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Author: William Edward Burghardt Du Bois (1868-1963)
At the Paris Exposition in 1900, W. E. B. Du Bois compiled an exhibit of hundreds of graphs and photographs depicting the history of Negroes in America, including over 60 statistical charts, graphs and maps.
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Edward Walter Maunder (1851-1928)
Use of the "butterfly diagram'' to study the variation of sunspots over time, leading to the discovery that they were markedly reduced in frequency from 1645--1715 (the "Maunder minimum''). [Earlier work, started in 1843 by H. Schwabe, showed that sunspots exhibit an approximately twenty-two year cycle, with each eleven-year cycle of sunspots followed by a reversal of the direction of the sun's magnetic field]
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Edward Tufte (1942-)
Esthetics and information integrity for graphics defined and illustrated (some concepts: "data-ink ratio'', "lie factor'')
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Edward Wegman (1943-)
Statistical theory and methods for parallel coordinates plots
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Edward Tufte (1942-)
Sparklines: "data-intense, design-simple, word-sized graphics,'' designed to show graphic information inline with text and tables
Category: Statistics & Graphics