(Charles) (Booth) returned 12 hits

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Author: Charles Booth (1840-1916)
Street maps of London, showing poverty and wealth by color coding, transforming existing methods of social survey and poverty mapping towards the end of the nineteenth century
Category: Cartography
Author: Charles Wheatstone (1802-1875)
Invention of the stereoscope, revealing the dependence of visual depth perception upon binocular vision, and allowing production of stereoscopic images
Category: Technology
Author: Charles Joseph Minard (1781-1870)
Minard's flow map graphic of Napoleon's March on Moscow (called "the best graphic ever produced)
Category: Cartography
Author: Charles Babbage (1791-1871)
Mechanical device for calculating mathematical tables (the Difference Engine) [The beginnings of computing as we know it today. The Difference Engine was steam-powered, and the size of a locomotive.]
Category: Technology
Author: Charles Lallemand (1857-1938)
Combination of many variables into multi-function nomograms, using 3D, juxtaposition of maps, parallel coordinate and hexagonal grids (L'Abaque Triomphe)
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Ada Lovelace (1815-1852)
Ada Lovelace was known as the first programmer for her work in 1843 with Charles Babbage. She wrote a series of instructions for his proposed machanical computer.
Category: Technology
Author: Charles de Fourcroy (1766-c.1810)
Use of geometric, proportional figures (squares) to compare demographic quantities by superposition, an early "tableau graphique''
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Baron Pierre Charles Dupin (1784-1873)
Choropleth map with shadings from black to white (distribution and intensity of illiteracy in France), the first (unclassed) choropleth map, and perhaps the first modern statistical map. (This map dates from 1826 cite[Plate 1, vol. 2]{Dupin:1827} according to Robinson cite[p. 232]{Robinson:1982}, rather than 1819 according to Funkhouser cite{Funkhouser:1937})
Category: Cartography
Author: Baron Pierre Charles Dupin (1784-1873)
Choropleth map with shadings from black to white (distribution and intensity of illiteracy in France), the first (unclassed) choropleth map, and perhaps the first modern statistical map
Category: Cartography
Author: Charles Joseph Minard (1781-1870)
"Tableau-graphique'' showing transportation of commercial traffic by variable-width (distance), divided bars (height $sim$ amount), area $sim$ cost of transport [An early form of the mosaic plot.]
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Charles Joseph Minard (1781-1870)
Map incorporating statistical diagrams: circles proportional to coal production (published in 1861)
Category: Cartography
Author: Charles Joseph Minard (1781-1870)
Minard, a visual engineer, was asked to investigate the cause of the collapse of the bridge at Bourg St. Andeol on the Rhone in 1840.
Category: Statistics & Graphics