("Baron Pierre Charles Dupin") returned 2 hits

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Author: Baron Pierre Charles Dupin (1784-1873)
Choropleth map with shadings from black to white (distribution and intensity of illiteracy in France), the first (unclassed) choropleth map, and perhaps the first modern statistical map. (This map dates from 1826 cite[Plate 1, vol. 2]{Dupin:1827} according to Robinson cite[p. 232]{Robinson:1982}, rather than 1819 according to Funkhouser cite{Funkhouser:1937})
Category: Cartography
Author: Baron Pierre Charles Dupin (1784-1873)
Choropleth map with shadings from black to white (distribution and intensity of illiteracy in France), the first (unclassed) choropleth map, and perhaps the first modern statistical map
Category: Cartography