((Michael)) ((George)) ((Mulhall)) returned 17 hits

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Author: Michael George Mulhall (1836-1900)
Pictogram, used to represent data by icons proportional to a number
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: George Rorick
The USA Today color weather map begins an era of color information graphics in newspapers. Shortly, colorful visual graphics become widespread.
Category: Cartography
Author: Michael Friendly (1945-)
Mosaic display developed as a visual analysis tool for log-linear models (beginning general methods for visualizing categorical data)
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Michael Friendly (1945-)
Beginnings of the general extension of graphical methods to categorical (frequency) data
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: George W. Furnas
Fisheye view: an idea to provide focus and greater detail in areas of interest of a large amount of information, while retaining the surrounding context in much less detail
Category: Other
Author: Michael Faraday (1791-1867)
An increasing number of scientific publications begin to contain graphs and diagrams which describe, but do not analyze, natural phenomena (magnetic variation, weather, tides, etc.)
Category: Other
Author: Michael Faraday (1791-1867)
Graphical analysis of natural phenomena begins to appear on a regular basis in scientific publications, particularly in England. For example, in 1832, Faraday proposes pictorial representation of electric and magnetic lines of force.
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Michael F. van Langren (1598-1675)
First visual representation of statistical data: variations in determination of longitude between Toledo and Rome
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: George Barnard (1915-2002)
Suggestion for displaying five variables by means of movements on a CRT
Category: Technology
Author: Georg Joachim Rheticus (1514-1574)
Trigonometric tables (published 1596 posthumously)
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Georg von Mayr (1841-1925)
First use of proportional, divided square in the modern (mosaic) form for data representation
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Georg von Mayr (1841-1925)
First use of polar diagrams and star plots for data representation
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Georg von Mayr (1841-1925)
Two-variable color map (showing the joint distribution of horses (red, vertical bars) and cattle (green, horizontal bars) in Bavaria, widths of bars $sim$ animals/km$^2$)
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: George Julius Poulett Scrope (1797-1876)
First classed depiction of population density on a world map (using three broad classes in a dasymetric map)
Category: Cartography
Authors: Herman P. Friedman (c. 1930-2010) & R. M. Goldwyn (1936-1994) & J. H. Siegel
Irregular polygon ("star plot'') to represent multivariate data (with vertices at equally spaced intervals, distance from center proportional to the value of a variable) [but see Georg von Mayr in 1877 cite[S. 78]{vonMayr:1877} for first use]
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: U.S. Bureau of the Census (1903-)
Color-coded bivariate matrix to represent two intervally measured variables in a single map (Urban Atlas series)[but see Georg von Mayr in 1874 cite[Fig. XIX]{vonMayr:1874} for first use]
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Willard Cope Brinton (1880-1957)
Pictograms to represent a series of numbers by icons (combining concepts of the bar graph and pictogram of varying size)
Category: Statistics & Graphics