((John)) ((SouthernJames)) ((Watt)) returned 21 hits

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Author: John Napier (1550-1617)
Invention of logarithms, and the first published tables of logarithms.
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: John Graunt (1620-1674)
Founding of demographic statistics: Development of the idea that vital statistics (records of christenings and burials in London) could be used to construct life tables. The average life expectancy in London was 27 years, with 65\% dying by age 16
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: John Adams (1650-1738)
A map of England showing distances between cities arranged for the use of travellers.
Category: Cartography
Author: John Arbuthnot (1667-1735)
First test of statistical significance based on deviation between observed data and a null hypothesis (used to show that the guiding hand of a devine being could be discerned in the nearly constant ratio of male to female births in London over 1629--1710)
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Gottfried Achenwall (1719-1772)
First use of the term "statistik.'' The word "statistics'' was first used by Zimmerman in 1787. (For the earlier use of "statist'', "statista'' and other terms, see cite{John:1883}.)
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Authors: John Southern & James Watt (1736-1819)
Automatic recording of bivariate data (pressure vs. volume in steam engine) "Watt Indicator,'' (invention kept secret until 1822)
Category: Technology
Author: John Frederick W. Herschel (1792-1871)
Fitting a smoothed curve to a scatterplot, advocacy of graph paper and graphical methods as standard tools of science. ["The process by which I propose to accomplish this is one essentially graphical; by which term I understand not a mere substitution of geometrical construction and measurement for numerical calculation, but one which has for its object to perform that which no system of calculation can possibly do, by bringing in the aid of the eye and hand to guide the judgment, in a case where judgment only, and not calculation, can be of any avail.'' (p. 178)]
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: John Snow (1813-1858)
Use of a dot map to display epidemiological data, leads to discovery of the source of a cholera epidemic.
Category: Cartography
Author: John Venn (1834-1923)
Representation of logical propositions and relations diagrammatically. [Actually, Liebnitz and, to some degree, Euler had used such diagrams previously.]
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: John Bailey Peddle (1868-1933)
Textbook in English devoted exclusively to statistical graphics
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: John Backus (1924-2007)
Creation of Fortran, the Formula Translation language for the IBM 704 computer. This was the first high-level language for computing.
Category: Technology
Author: John W. Tukey (1915-2000)
Beginnings of EDA: improvements on histogram in analysis of counts, tail values (hanging rootogram)
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: John W. Tukey (1915-2000)
Graphical innovations for exploratory data analysis (stem-and-leaf, graphical lists, box-and-whisker plots, two-way and extended-fit plots, hanging and suspended rootograms)
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Authors: Jerome H. Friedman & John W. Tukey (1915-2000) & M. A. Fishkeller (1915-2000)
Start of true interactive graphics in statistics; PRIM-9, the first system in statistics with 3-D data rotations provided dynamic tools for projecting, rotating, isolating and masking multidimensional data in up to nine dimensions
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: John Hartigan (1937-)
Scatterplot matrix, the idea of plotting all pairwise scatterplots for n variables in a tabular display
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Authors: Richard A. Becker (1887-1955) & John M. Chambers
S, a language and environment for statistical computation and graphics. S (later sold as a commercial package, S-Plus; more recently, a public-domain implementation, R is widely available), would become a lingua franca for statistical computation and graphics
Category: Technology
Authors: Beat Kleiner & John Hartigan (1937-)
Mosaic display to represent frequencies in a multiway contingency table
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Authors: John W. Tukey (1915-2000) & Paul A. Tukey
The "draftsman display'' for three-variables (leading soon to the "scatterplot matrix'') and initial ideas for conditional plots and sectioning (leading later to "coplots'' and "trellis displays'')
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: John A. McDonald
Another early version of brushing, invented independently of Newton, together with a system for 3-D rotations of data
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Authors: Daniel Asimov & John A. McDonald & Catherine Hurley & Andreas Buja (1951-)
First inclusion of grand tours in an interactive system that also has linked brushing, linked identification, visual inference from graphics, interactive scaling of plots, etc.
Category: Technology
Authors: Paul A. Tukey & John W. Tukey (1915-2000)
Textured dot strips to display empirical distributions
Category: Statistics & Graphics